Sunday, 23 March 2014

Hiatus and Site Overhaul

Hi everyone,

This is the first new post on the blog for more than six months, so sorry for the lack of info. I've been working on the Lead & Chrome RPG all that time (the master document has reached 160 pages), but I haven't got around to updating the site or the blog.

But this weekend I caught up with things posted all the latest work to the website. I've added an introduction on What is an Role-Playing Game, reorganised the chapters so that statistics, background and skills are all under Character Generation, and Equipment is now chapter three, with extra material added.

The chapters on Time and Motion, Money, Work and Commerce and In Sickness and in Health have all been expanded with several sub-pages each, and a placeholder page has been put in for the rules for animals.

Lead & Chrome is a work in progress in the true sense: development is continuing but there are still a lot of blank spaces in the rules. I've been working on the four planned setting sourcebooks for the game (which are probably more important than the core rules), and I'll post material from them when I've got something concrete to show for my time.

I'm going to try to update the main website more often and try not to leave it so long between blog posts. Lets see if I live up to that promise.

This, by the way, is lead(II) chromate (PbCrO4), what you get when you combine lead with chrome. Not very exciting, eh?

Please check out the rules and leave any comments you have about them here. Don't be afraid to be critical!


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